Monday, May 19, 2014

Dun dun dunnnnn....

Yes the dreaded day has come! My Zoey is having seizures again. What kind you may ask? If only I knew... But alas, we don't get answers... What do you do when you call your nurse and she is on vacation for 2 weeks? Call your neurologist!!! Oh wait.. She is on maternity leave... They won't give you another number, only leaving a message to be answered in 3-4 days. Good to know that seizures don't cause brain damage or anything! Oh they do?? Well we will answer you in 3-4 days still... Hmm time for a switch!! We have an appointment with a new neurologist at a new place tomorrow! Hopefully we will finally get some much needed answers about what is happening with Zoey and how we can help her. Yes, I know this is a rant, but only so much can be taken before mama bear gets poked too many times. I recently saw a movie that described my whole day yesterday when we were trying to figure out what to do. Stress paralyzed. When there is so many things to do, but you are so stressed that you can't do anything. You sit and think and stare... Luckily today I came out of it, but it was a long day!! I will keep everyone updated as soon as I know anything new or worth mentioning!