Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I have to say waiting for things to happen is the hardest part of this whole ordeal! Zoey has been doing well. During the day I hardley see any seizures. If she is having them, they are small enough I'm not seeing them! That's a good sign right?? Then the night comes.... Without fail, the last 4 days she has had painful seizures at 10 it 1030 at night and just cries. Having usually about 10-20 seizures. That number is actually an improvement for her, but that doesn't make the situation any more comforting when your babies crying, and her eyes are rolling back. Freaky to watch heartbreaking to hear and see.
After all that though she is mostly in a good mood! I can get her laughing and she loves to chat to people. She finally got accepted to start her physical therapy and I'm hoping that will help to get her back on track with  happy baby. She still doesn't roll over, but she is now trying and is close! She still has left side weakness, its better but she still doesnt want to reach for toys or even hold toys. She hardley does that with her right hand, but its much better. All things therapy will help her with so I'm happy with that part! Future... I'm so confused about if the meds are working. She has been on this med for 2 weeks now. We were hoping to see results.... And while the day is better, I am worried about the night and her catching up with her seizures at night. I keep hoping this day will be the end of them, but night comes and ruins it. We will be going in on Monday for another eeg and meeting with the Dr. You can tell when your stressed out when you start dreaming out her eeg results....
In other news, we had so much fun going to st. George and seeing family. We still have to be careful with germs so we didn't get to see everyone, but a change of environment was nice. On a bad note, she got double ear infections... Hopefully that will clear up with no problems. Poor baby has more medications in her system. I hate it! This morning my two babies were so very cute together and makes me feel like everything will be ok. Joseph is such a good big brother.


  1. Both your kids are so adorable. My heart breaks for you, Bradi. We are thinking of you and praying for you!

  2. She's a little doll! Thanks for posting. We pray for her!

  3. Thank you for the update! She is so cute! We are still praying for you. Holler if you need anything.
